Hi there! This page should automatically redirect you to the Critter application on your mobile device within a few seconds. Probably before you even finish reading this.
If you find yourself stuck here on this screen, the most likely reason is that you arrived here by clicking the ‘Activate’ link from your email on a device other than the one you downloaded Critter to, such as a laptop.
In order for the activation process to work correctly, you must click the Activate link from the mobile device on which you downloaded the app, probably your phone or maybe a tablet. If this is you, simply go back to the activation email from your phone or tablet—wherever you downloaded the app—and tap the link there to restart the process. The link in your email should remain active for a short period of time.
If you are stuck on this page after tapping Activate from the correct mobile device and are consequently unable to activate your account, reach out to and we will help get you on your way.
Apologies for any inconvenience!